Connected Five Cs™


Connected5Cs-website-cDr. Kukk’s current work focuses on the Connected Five Cs™ — an integrated system based on the premise that the purpose of an education is to develop student capacities for knowing (Concept), imagining (Creativity), understanding (Compassion), doing (Courage) and questioning (Constraint). He is currently writing curriculum that weaves the learning of compassion into the common core standards. The first book (Connecting Space) and its accompanying teacher’s and parent’s guides will be finished soon.

Click here to download Chris Kukk’s essay Educating through the Connected Five Cs™. This piece was included in the 2012 collection Creativity and Compassion: How They Come Together (Karuna Press, 2012), and is the foundation for his current work.

Watch Chris talk about inertia in a preview from the upcoming book Connecting Space.

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